Project Management Feasibility Study Pilot Campus Mafraq

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given GreenfieldCities a grant of 400 k€ to fund an in-depth feasibility study for a pilot campus project in Mafraq, Jordan. The campus will serve and accommodate 1500 young local inhabitants, Jordanians and Syrian refugees alike, who will be able to live, study and work on site. The Campus will boost the local economy of Mafraq and will focus on creating jobs in several industries: ICT, Agriculture, Energy, Water and Leisure. Arie van Beek, managing director of Climate Mititgation and Change Management and GreenfieldCities' Chief Sustainability Officer will carry out the project management.

Title Page Feasibility Study

The Dutch Ministry praised the innovative and entrepreneurial ways in which GreenfieldCities works to contribute to the alleviation of the migration crisis and the tangible ways in which they work towards creating enabling environments for refugees in the region of origin.

For both GreenfieldCities and Climate Mitigation and Change Management the 400 k€ grant represents an important milestone, as it reflects both the recognition and material support from the government for the project. As Arie van Beek – one of GreenfieldCities’ founders – puts it: “Our mission can never be realised without public and political support”.

Download Proposal Feasibility Study (PDF, 1.7 MB)